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Severian af Gabala, syrisk biskop, død efter 408

Oprettet 2002. Ajourført februar 2008 og april 2018.
Andre navneformer: Severianus Gabalensis.  

Henning Lehmann: Students of the Bible in 4th and 5th Century Syria. Seats of Learning, Sidelights and Syriacisms.     Århus: Aarhus University Press 2008, 256 s. 

Henning Lehmann: Severian Cento No. 2 in MS Galata 54 –    i: Henning Lehmann, Students of the Bible in 4th and 5th Century Syria, Århus 2008, 217-227. 

Henning Lehmann: The noble art of abbreviating. In the light of some texts attributed to Severian of Gabala –     i: Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens I, ed. Søren Dietz, Athens 1995, 221-227. [Genudgivet i: Henning Lehmann, Students of the Bible in 4th and 5th Century Syria, Århus 2008, 155-169]. 

Henning Lehmann: What Translators Veil and Reveal. Observations on two Armenian Translations of one Greek Homily –    i: Armenian Texts, Tasks and Tools, ed. Henning Lehmann and J.J.S. Weitenberg, (= Acta Jutlandica 69.1, Humanities Series 68), Århus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag 1993, 75-84. [Genudgivet i: Henning Lehmann, Students of the Bible in 4th and 5th Century Syria, Århus 2008, 141-153]. 

Holger Villadsen: Det tidlige perikopesystem i Konstantinopel ifølge Severian af Gabala –    i: Florilegium patristicum. En festskrift till Per Beskow, ed. Gösta Hallonsten m.fl., Delsbo: Bokförlaget Åsak 1991, 233-257. [Genoptrykt i Holger Villadsen, Perikoper og kirkeår i oldkirken, Kbh. 2010, 101-127]. 

Henning J. Lehmann: Severian of Gabala: Fragments of the Aucher Collection in Galata MS 54 –    i: Armenian Studies (Études arméniennes) in memoriam Haïg Berbérian, ed. Dickran Kouymjian, Lisboa 1986, 477-487. [Genudgivet i: Henning Lehmann, Students of the Bible in 4th and 5th Century Syria, Århus 2008, 95-105]. 

Henning J. Lehmann: Severian of Gabala: New Identifications of Texts in Armenian Translation –    i: Classical Armenian Culture, ed. by Thomas J. Samuelian (= University of Pennsylvania Armenian Texts and Studies 4), 1982, 113-124. [Genudgivet i: Henning Lehmann, Students of the Bible in 4th and 5th Century Syria, Århus 2008, 67-76]. 

Henning J. Lehmann: Per Piscatores [også på armenisk]. Studies in the Armenian version af a collection of homilies by Eusebius of Emesa and Severian of Gabala.    Århus 1975: Eget forlag, 425 s. [Disp. Københavns Univ.]

Holger Villadsen: Bibelanvendelsen i de på græsk overleverede homilier af Severian af Gabala.    Upubliceret guldmedaljeafhandling ved Aarhus Universitet 1974, 303 s. 

H.J. Lehmann: The Attribution of certain Pseudo-Chrysostomica to Severian of Gabala confirmed by the Armenian Tradition –    i: Studia Patristica 10 (= Texte und Untersuchungen 107), Berlin 1970, 121-130.


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